Beaufort Un
“How can anyone govern a country that has 258 varieties of cheese?” the General proclaimed in his day. Beyond this question, that can seem somewhat condescending at first, lies a relevant remark on the rich variety of French terroirs. Iconically, France and its overseas territories count numerous regions shaped by their savoir-faire. Unique creations unlike any other. The making and completion of a cheese is one of the most striking examples.
As if to rewind Ariane’s thread, once outside the Olympic city of Albertville, follow the Doron river by crossing its valley. The road winds on as the mountains close in on each other, it forms a strangely comforting shelter. The mountainous villages come one after another, Queige then Villard sur Doron are behind; ahead, there is a vast plain watched over by Mont-Blanc and the atypical Pierra Menta. In the background, as if protected: Beaufort, home of its eponymous cheese. Higher up, its ski resort, Arêches. Even more intimate, the Plans; the hamlet where the Joguet people, the family of Caroline, live. Cleverly built chalets and farms on a human scale. Push the door open and meet hundreds or so of small creatures, some busy working, some lounging in the hay. Caroline has always been passionate, she grew up with her parents who were also dairy cow farmers. Eager to follow their steps, she will indeed become a farmer, but a goat farmer.